Monday, December 17, 2007

Our Boys!

Can you believe it!? Twins? Me? It has been pointed out to Tracy and I that God gives twins to those he believes can handle it. Well, I believe we can, and as that time gets closer and closer, I am getting more and more excited to meet our little guys!
I know these pictures are what everyone wants to see. I will only post a couple really good ones we got last week. Here's a couple 4-D images of our little guys.

Aren't these amazing!? I find myself staring at them sometimes. Tracy will often come home, sit down, grab the pics and start talking to them. She likes to play classical music when daddy's not home. She says it will help soothe them later. I try to get them to listen to contemporary Christian music. I tell people they are going to be my little guitar slashers someday.
I wonder what they're personalities will be like. I wonder whose facial features they will have. (We think they have a combonation of our noses as you can see in the one picture). I wonder what kind of a dad I will be and if my boys will like me.
I have so many questions that will be answered in time, I'm sure. For now, I enjoy the wonder. I like to feel them kick Tracy's stomach and stretch out. Usually I say good morning and good night. Life is slowly adjusting, and I love it!
Its really interesting to me to think about how different life will be in April. Some have said that having twins first is the best way to do it if you're going to have twins. That way, since you don't know what to expect, you don't realize how much more difficult it is. Also, if you have kids later it will be a breeze.

Either way, the future is still shrouded in mystery and I am doing what I can now to prepare for that day. I love thinking about my boys, but at this point, I haven't met them yet. When I meet them for the first time, I'm sure I'll fall in love with them!

Tracy is quite the trooper. She has been sick for most of her pregnancy. Right now we are in week 22 and she is showing off her beautiful physique!

Tracy at 13 weeks...

Tracy at 22 weeks!

Isn't my wife beautiful?! I tell her everyday how wonderful she is. I could not imagine life without her. She really has given my life meaning and truely is the completion of me. I would be willing to stake my life on the fact that she will be the greatest mommy ever. I just hope our boys see that in her.
Well, I guess that's good for now. Please keep in touch and let me know how life is out there.
Mom and Dad Tjapkes
(and soon-to-be-boys also!)


Giles Hash said...

Twins, huh? Congratulations, man. I'm praying for you, and I'm sure you're going to be an awesome dad.

jerarbw said...

Tracy - you are looking great! Are they having wrestling matches in your belly? I remember those days! You guys will be amazing parents and will have so much fun with twins! It's the best way to start things off!


Rachel said...

Tracy's due in April??? April what??? It'd be sweet to have your boys share a birthday with me, haha....

I'm praying for all four of you! :)

Unknown said...

YEAH!!!!!!! I'm going to be an auntie again and again!!!! Love you two and miss you!! -Sis

the johnson crew said...

those are really exciting photos. how are you doing now?


taralynn819 said...

GUUUUUYS!!! How about an update??? :)