Monday, October 15, 2007

Our whole family!

Hello friends!

Many of you may know that Tracy has blogged before, but this is my first time maintaining a blog! I imagine I'm a little behind the times, but I am beginning to learn the importance of maintiaining important relationships in life. This is a great way for those who care to stay informed in our newly married life together! This will be a family blog, meaning sometimes it will be me who posts, but Tracy will be involved as well. In fact, don't be surprised if she posts more than I.

June 23rd was a day I thought would never come, but it did. It's wonderful to walk through the doors God opens when you do so faithfully and prayerfully, knowing it is Him who is giving the guidance. It is crazy to think that 1 year ago today, I was living in Michigan, not even aware of how different my life would become in the next 365 days.

I swore to my family at Micheal's wedding (my brother got married in Kokomo, IN on Christmas last year) that I would NOT be married in 2007. Funny how that worked huh? Then I took that trip up to Minneapolis and met my wife-to-be. We basically met in December of 2006, and were married in June of 2007. As if that wasn't enough, we learned in early August we were pregnant! As if THAT wasn't enough, we learned after our first ultra-sound in the middle of September that we are pregnant with TWINS! Wow, when God decides to move, He moves big!

Well, that leaves us with some big changes looming. Please, if you are a praying person, pray for our family as we have many decisions to make in the coming year, as well as for provision for our family as Tracy will not be able to complete the full year of teaching at her school.
Also, we want to encourage anyone to call anytime! We love to hear from our friends. It is a strange phenonomon, but once you are married, life changes a lot! I was not ready for this change as much as I thought, but I love it! We miss our friends out there, so please don't be strangers.
Until my next post, blessings!